Retirement Planning

Securing Your Future Financial Freedom

Retired Couple Talking To Their Financial AdvisorAt Konty Financial Services, we help busy professionals and retirees plan for retirement, pay less in taxes, and invest intelligently. Whether you are nearing retirement and want to make sure you are on track or are already retired and want to make sure you don't have to go back to work, we're here to help you plan with confidence for the retirement you deserve.

Our clients preparing for retirement don’t want to plan their future and grow their investments on their own, and for a good reason! The burden can be overwhelming. They want a dedicated team to help them every step along the way. We are here to help you retire confidently.

We'll do the heavy lifting while educating you along the way with the goal to ensure you stay confidently retired. We understand that there should be no compromise when it comes to your financial future. That’s why we work diligently to serve as the ultimate steward for your wealth, simplifying life’s complexities with a full spectrum of strategies for a tailored plan that we believe is the only one you’ll ever need.

Preparing for Lifetime Income in Retirement

No matter what stage of life you’re in, we can help you pursue independence, freedom and the things that matter most to you. We start by calculating how much income you’ll need in retirement, then you can build a financial roadmap that tells you how much you need to save and how to invest your savings to provide that income.

We'll also consider the flexibility needed to adapt the financial plan as your circumstances evolve. Your goal should be to begin building up enough assets to provide adequate income to meet your needs throughout retirement – accounting for factors like increased longevity, healthcare costs and inflation. To accomplish this goal, you need a plan. That’s where we can help.

Whether you’re approaching retirement or have already left the workforce, we can help you put a plan in place to live your best life. The planning process allows us to get a better understanding of you and what services (income planning, wealth management, understanding taxation, Medicare & long-term needs, and legacy & estate planning) will best serve you.

    • We'll build you a custom portfolio, built and managed according to your unique retirement goals and values.
    • We'll create a flexible retirement plan designed to help minimize the effects of inflation, taxes, and investment risks.
    • We'll hold all of your investment accounts conveniently in one place with direct access to your financial advisor.

When it comes to your financial future, the most important factor in your favor is your age. We take advantage of the time you have, regularly contributing to tax-advantaged retirement accounts and potentially boosting savings with matching funds offered by your employer.

Retirement Planning Advisors

Your retirement goals are yours alone and we can help you reach them. Let a retirement planning advisor help you navigate the retirement landscape. From debt reduction, to savings, to investing, we will guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions for your retirement.

Most people don’t have the time, knowledge, discipline, or desire to manage and grow their wealth. We want to know what’s happening in your financial life right now – life changes, grandkids, worry about outliving your money. If it’s happening in your life, it should be in your financial plan.

The team at Konty Financial Services will help you make the most educated decisions when it comes to Medicare, social security, pensions, and necessary expenses to keep more money in your pocket and make your retirement savings and investments last the longest. We are committed to providing our clients with comprehensive, smart financial planning, customized investment management, socially responsible investing, wealth management, and timely retirement guidance and planning.

Ready to Discuss Your Financial Goals?

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